A brief introduction of evolution of CYLINDRICAL SHAPED Rotary Film Evaporator made of Borosilicate Glass!! - All NEW Innovation from Shorya, India.

Rotary Film Evaporator is a very regular usage product in the R & D of chemical & Pharmaceutical industry. It is also being used nowadays for manufacturing purpose for high value pharmaceutical & specialty chemical products. The existing rotary film evaporators, which are used are with spherical evaporating flasks. What happens is when the requirement of volume for process it is practically very difficult to handle the size beyond 50 liters.

Chemical reactors are cylindrical in shape with a perticular L/D ratio in general, which are given for a particular reaction surface area. The cylindrical vessel has a higher surface area spherical vessel. This prompted us to think in the direction; why only spherical vessel is used when we can exploit the advantage of cylindrical shape evaporation flask in a rotary film evaporator.


Then we designed the largest Rotary Film Evaporator Jumbo Rotary, capacity 400 Ltr made from Borosilicate Glass 3.3 Cylindrical Evaporation flask. in spherical flask rotary film evaporator the drive is inclined the flask held from it`s neck only. Thus a inclined cantilever type of loading happens on the rotating assembly. This is highly unstable mechanically as for the same neck size of flask, higher stresses develop in the flask neck compared to a horizontal drive simply supported flask as in the case of cylindrical rotary film evaporator. The cylindrical flask of the jumbo rotary evaporator is also held by the neck, but the drive centerline is not inclined,instead it is horizontal.

The rotating flask is also supported axially at two cross-section circumference over it`s whole length, thus making the loading effectively a simply supported one and not a cantilever type. This reduces the stresses on the neck of the flask and is the only safer solution for making higher size rotary film evaporator. Another advantage of the cylindrical flask is it`s lower diameter compared to a spherical flask for a particular volume which is a very critical factor for glass MOC as the pressure rating goes down drastically with the increase in diameter. Also material removal & cleaning becomes easier from the cylindrical rotary film evaporator. It is simply opening the quick release coupling from one end. The material can be easily scooped out where in spherical rotary film evaporator the whole flask is to be separated out & spherical flasks becomes too bulky and handling becomes very difficult for sizes above 100 Ltrs.

This development has overcome the constraint of the size in Rotary Film Evaporators from laboratory scale applications to industrial applications for size above 100 Liters i.e.

 Cylindrical Flask
100 Ltrs
200 Ltrs
400 Ltrs.
 Heating Bath
SS 304 5 Kw x 3 = 15 Kw Flameproof
SS 304 6 Kw x 3 = 18 Kw Flameproof
SS 304 9 Kw x 3 = 27 Kw Flameproof
Polycarbonate Canopy
Polycarbonate Canopy
Polycarbonate Canopy
 Drive Motor
2 HP (Flame proof), 50 Hz 415 V, 3 phase motor RPM : 2-50 RPM, Variable, VFD Based
3 HP (Flame proof), 50 Hz 415 V, 3 phase motor RPM : 2-50 RPM, Variable, VFD Based
5 HP (Flame proof), 50 Hz 415 V, 3 phase motor RPM : 2-50 RPM, Variable, VFD Based
 Glass Specification
All contact Parts are made of Borosilicate - 3.3 glass / PTFE Heat Exchanger - 1.5 m2 x 1 Nos. Heat Transfer, 6'' Small Diameter Receivers 20 Ltrs with Drain, Vacuum & Vacuum Release Valve Seals & Gasket PTFE & GFT Tubular Structure & Structure Parts SS 304
All contact Parts are made of Borosilicate - 3.3 glass / PTFE Heat Exchanger - 1.5 m2 x 1 Nos. Heat Transfer, 6'' Small Diameter Receivers 20 Ltrs with Drain, Vacuum & Vacuum Release Valve Seals & Gasket PTFE & GFT Tubular Structure & Structure Parts SS 304
All contact Parts are made of Borosilicate - 3.3 glass / PTFE Heat Exchanger - 1.5 m2 x 1 Nos. Heat Transfer, 6'' Small Diameter Receivers 20 Ltrs with Drain, Vacuum & Vacuum Release Valve Seals & Gasket PTFE & GFT Tubular Structure & Structure Parts SS 304
 Dimension (Approx)
2000(L) x 1000(W) x 2000(H) mm
2500(L) x 1200(W) x 2200(H) mm
3600(L) x 1500(W) x2500(H) mm


Up to 800 Liters with a diameter of 800 mm!!!